I stumbled across this the other day, it is a project that has been going on for several years now and I think it is awesome!


Kurt Perschke is an artist who lives and works in New York City, this project began as a commission by Arts in Transit and has since grown into something a lot bigger. It is basically a giant red ball that travels around the world and gets squeezed into random places. It is coming to the UK this summer so I am going to make sure I go and see this when it arrives in London. I wonder where it will be placed in London...

There are so many fantastic photos on flickr already, I can't wait to see it myself soon!

For more information about the project visit www.redballproject.com

To see lots of photos of the red ball go here

Photo of the red ball stuck between two buildings
Photograph courtesy of Vicki Jean Beauchamp
Photo of the red ball under a building
Photograph courtesy of Vicki Jean Beauchamp