On Saturday I managed to catch the last day of the Marc Quinn exhibition at the White Cube in Hoxton, what I saw literally took my breath away! I know nothing about Marc Quinn or had any idea what the exhibition was about, a friend told me that it was a must see while I was in the area. From my first impression it seemed to be a room full of naked models and painted flowers but on a closer look I discovered that these models and plants had another meaning to them. The sculptures are executed in marble, bronze and silver, depicting people who have undergone extreme levels of plastic surgery and transformation including hormone therapy, tattoos, piercing, skin bleaching, hair dying as well as implants and transplants.

The exhibition focuses in on the public's obsession with the body, its perfections and flaws, and how this obsession has led some people to alter their bodies in increasingly extreme ways.

A photo of inside the gallery
A photo of the gallery from another angle