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I finally got round to watching Helvetica. It has certainly given me a lot to think about. It was great to learn about the history of Helvetica and to get so many different opinions on the font.

To me this has been a bit of an eye opener, I can totally relate to how easy it seems to just use Helvetica for anything and everything. I have over 1600 fonts on my laptop and yet I still manage to stick to just a select few in my designs, I find myself sifting through the fonts on my computer when I am trying to find one to suit a design yet I still find myself considering Helvetica. I think this is a bad habit I have gotten into and need to get out of, there are so many fantastic fonts out there in the world, Helvetica seems to be taking over, this film has made me really think about how I use fonts and has made me want to change my ways hopefully for the better.

What are your opinions on what is one of the most popular fonts in the world?